You need to be a member for 6 months or on your job 1 year or more. If you are on your job less than a year but had prior employment of longer than two years, you may be eligible to apply. Eligibility to apply does not guarantee the loan.

You can stop by the Credit Union and sign a new payroll card or call the Credit Union and one can be mailed to you.

You can withdraw up to 6 times in a quarter without a penalty. If you surpass 6, there is a $5.00 charge for each one past 6. The quarters run Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, and Oct-Dec.

Members can withdraw from their Christmas Club account with no penalty after November 1st of the calendar year. If a member withdraws from the account before November 1st, there is a $10.00 penalty.

No. Once a member, always a member.

Once an account is closed that person must wait 6 months to rejoin given that person still works for one of the employment groups in the Charter.

The statements are printed and mailed quarterly unless there is ACH activity and then it will be monthly.

Not at this time.